Friday, February 23, 2024

History for February 23

History for February 23 - 
William Shirer 1904 - Journalist, author ("The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich", "Gandhi: A Memoir")
  • 1836 - In San Antonio, TX, the siege of the Alamo began.
  • 1847 - Santa Anna was defeated at the Battle of Buena Vista in Mexico by U.S. troops under Gen. Zachary.
  • 1886 - Charles M. Hall completed his invention of aluminum.
  • 1896 - The Tootsie Roll was introduced by Leo Hirshfield.
  • 1898 - In France, Emile Zola was imprisoned for his letter, "J'accuse," which accused the government of anti-Semitism and wrongly jailing Alfred Dreyfus.
  • 1945 - The 28th Regiment of the Fifth Marine Division of the U.S. Marines reached the top of Mount Surabachi. A photograph of these Marines raising the American flag was taken.
  • 1954 - The first mass vaccination of children against polio began in Pittsburgh, PA.

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