Wednesday, February 21, 2024

The Idiocy Is Getting Overwhelming - Kurt Schlichter

The Idiocy Is Getting Overwhelming - Kurt Schlichter
"Everything is so stupid now, and I can’t even deal. 
Yeah, this used to be a functioning country...
Now everything’s ridiculous and annoying. 
Did you see the NYPD dance team video
The only thing they look like they could bust is the budget of a buffet owner. 
It’s a bunch of uncoordinated hippos hopping around proud of themselves as the city they’re supposed to protect turns into a bubbling cauldron of social pathologies and crime. 
This is so typical of our institutions – they failed to do what they’re supposed to do, but distract by doing, and badly, something they have no business wasting their time on. 
Some people ask, “What’s the big deal?” It’s just some hefty ladies dancing. It’s fun. Lighten up.” 
But I can’t lighten any more than they can. 
Cops should be arresting criminals, not doing the electric boogaloo. 
But, of course, it’s a moot point. 
The criminals wouldn’t get charged with crimes anyway...

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