Thursday, February 22, 2024

When Can We Talk About Trans Mass Shooters? - Intellectual Takeout

When Can We Talk About Trans Mass Shooters? - Intellectual Takeout - Kurt Mahlburg
"Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas, home of megachurch pastor Joel Osteen, was the site of an attempted mass shooting on February 11...
  • Among the other details to emerge were that she had the word “Palestine” emblazoned across her weapon, had left behind her a trail of antisemitic writings, and regularly went by the name Jeffery Escalante. The latter detail sparked widespread speculation that the shooter was transgender—as well as loud condemnations, from all the usual suspects, that such a possibility might even be countenanced. 
  • The Federalist’s label for Moreno, in a February 14 report, as “gender-confused” seems at least reasonable, given her penchant for identifying as “Jeffery”—a name even her ex-husband used for her.
As we wait for more details to emerge, it seems relevant to ask the question: When can we talk about trans mass shooters?
As The Epoch Times reported last month, “Since 2018, five people who identified as transgender or were gender-confused have gone on killing sprees at schools and businesses.” 
Looking at the statistics in more depth, they note...
  • ...Perhaps most troubling is that, while the legacy press is ever eager to highlight a person’s transgender identity if he or she falls victim to a crime, 
  • they willfully neglect to mention it when a trans or gender-confused person perpetrates one...

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