Monday, March 25, 2024

Domination Through Chaos and Fear - American Thinker

This is why I oppose a ceasefire and support destroying Hamas: Deployment of violence by groups like Hamas (and Hezbollah) is not random, but carefully calculated. - Clarice Feldman
"In the decade I served on a school board, I learned a great deal about group dynamics. 
The most important lesson, I suppose, is that there are people -- most often highly neurotic people -- who deliberately create chaos. 
They undermine every effort to rationally deal with issues that require solutions...
  • In consequence, many just cede power to them rather than endure the endless churning of conflicts, bad decision-making and stirred-up animus...
I thought of this when I read this post by Hussain Abdul-Hussain an analyst with the Foundation for the Defense of Freedom whose consistently thoughtful and knowledgeable posts I highly value:
This is why I oppose a ceasefire and support destroying Hamas: Deployment of violence by groups like Hamas (and Hezbollah) is not random, but carefully calculated. Whenever trust in peace is eroded, radicalization surges. Moderates (pro-peace) lose popular support, crazy Radicals become popular. Hezbollah understood this and often used war with Israel to shore up its support and weaken its moderate opponents, and Hamas did the same. The biggest problem for radicals like Hamas and Hezbollah is that their popularity dips during peacetime because they are ill-equipped to govern. It thus becomes in the best interest of Hamas and Hezbollah to make war a permanent feature, a lifestyle. That is why Hamas and Hezbollah will never win or lose. Their livelihood is war, which spells the death of their host nations, but guarantees their forever control of power.
You can see the same dynamic domestically -- creating chaos to gain power -- without trying very hard.
  • What do you imagine the BLM and Antifa riots are about? 
  • Or the "Defund the Police" movement?
Eroding trust in rational systems and behaviors creates radicals and radicalization empowers the worst elements of a society...

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