Friday, March 22, 2024

Michael Smith - In practice, the Founders set up a fourth branch... | Facebook

We are that fourth branch, with ultimate power over the other three. They were designed to be co-equal, we were not.  - Michael Smith"In practice, the Founders set up a fourth branch of government.
No, it's not the press or the Deep State... and in reality, they didn't need to establish it, it existed before any of the other branches.
We all are aware of the executive, legislative and judicial branches, but there is clearly a fourth branch, largely ignored by those operating in the other three, and it is established in the first words of the Constitution.
"We, the People..."
We are that fourth branch, with ultimate power over the other three. 
They were designed to be co-equal, we were not. 
We have the power to call each and every other branch to account, we have no equal.
Think about it.
  • George Cosmas - The very reason why division is such a useful tool. And why SO much effort is exerted to keep a bewildered electorate.

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