Monday, April 08, 2024

Dave Agema - Now it gets even worse.

Dave Agema - Many Jan 6 individuals imprisoned with no trial appears to be:
  • the gov‘t cover up of a fraudulent election and 
  • using many of these people as an example to place fear into any American that dares to question an election coup done by Chinese Dominion machines, 
  • ballot harvesting of fraudulent ballots, 
  • counting unsigned ballots and 
  • counting thousands of ballots by unqualified voters
Now it gets even worse. 
Judge Walton, when imposing a 60-day jail sentence in June 2023, said Mr. Goodwyn spread “disinformation” during a broadcast of “Tucker Carlson Tonight” on March 14, 2023...
 Mr. Goodwyn’s  crime was spending  60 seconds in the Capitol...
This was yet another step by a liberal judge to protect Biden’s election coup from being questioned...

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