Saturday, May 18, 2024

Communism Isn’t Cool, It’s Deadly - William Wolfe

To dispel the myth of communism as some utopian, hip, climate-friendly alternative to free-market capitalism, it’s critically important to distinguish between the idealized version of communism presented in popular culture and the harsh reality of its implementation in real life.
  • Over the last few decades, there has been a resurgence of interest in — and support for — communism among America’s younger generations.
  • In 2019, the Independent reported that “More than a third of millennials in the US now approve of communism, while the popularity of capitalism has plummeted since 2018, according to YouGov polling. 
  • The survey found just 57 percent of 23 to 38-year-olds believe the Declaration of Independence better ‘guarantees freedom and equality’ than the Communist Manifesto, with only 50 percent viewing capitalism favorably.”
How could this happen? 
How could the deadliest political ideology of the 20th century, and one of the deadliest political ideologies in human history, be garnering this much support from younger Americans?...

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