Saturday, May 18, 2024

History for May 18

History for May 18 -
Frank Capra 1897 - Film director ("It's a Wonderful Life")
  • 1652 - In Rhode Island, a law was passed that made slavery illegal in North America. It was the first law of its kind.
  • 1896 - The U.S. Supreme court upheld the "separate but equal" policy in the Plessy vs. Ferguson decision. The ruling was overturned 58 years later with Brown vs. Board of Education.
  • 1980 - Mt. Saint Helens erupted in Washington state. 57 people were killed and 3 billion in damage was done.
  • 1983 - The U.S. Senate revised immigration laws and gave millions of illegal aliens legal status under an amnesty program.
  • 1994 - Israel's three decades of occupation in the Gaza Strip ended as Israeli troops completed their withdrawal and Palestinian authorities took over.
  • 2012 - Facebook Inc. held its initial public offering and began trading on the NASDAQ. The company was valued at $104 billion making it the largest valuation to date for a newly listed public company.

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