Friday, May 24, 2024

Instapundit - ON FLAGS AND COLLARS: On Flags and Collars: RBG wore her dissent jabot the day after the 2016 election

The press is organized now to delegitimize the Supreme Court. They do this with any institution the left doesn’t control.
"ON FLAGS AND COLLARS: On Flags and Collars: RBG wore her dissent jabot the day after the 2016 election. “The day after Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton to win the 2016 presidential election, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg took the bench wearing a black necklace with crystals. 
It was a piece she typically wore to express her displeasure while reading a dissent from the bench. 
But Ginsburg, who had called Trump a faker ahead of the election and then apologized, had no dissents to read. . . . If you’ll notice, Justice Alito is not wearing a MAGA hat. 
In 2020, after RBG’s death, The New York Times praised her sense of style.”

The press is organized now to delegitimize the Supreme Court. They do this with any institution the left doesn’t control. Posted at 8:30 pm by 

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