Thursday, May 16, 2024

Maundering Through 'Climate Change' | The Pipeline

A lot more complicated than it looks. | The Pipeline - David Cavena
  • The conceit of the climate cultists is that industrial man has altered – and is continuing to alter – the climate within a few hundred years so much that sea levels are rising, ice sheets are melting, and that we can – and must – alter it back within a decade, or so, or we’re all gonna die.
  • The sheer audacity that humans can effect this level of change amazes. One day these same people tell us we are “insignificant” from the perspective of the universe. The next day they say we are destroying the planet via gas stoves and cow farts. “Fantastical” is a word not much used nowadays; it fits perfectly here.
The facts are that climate fluctuates over time for a variety of reasons, some of which are unknown...
Continuing on that one aspect of warming, heat from the sun, or Total Solar Irradiance (TSI), surely has an impact on our temperature. 
How could it not? 

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