Tuesday, May 07, 2024

We have about 100 years of data on wildfires in the United States available to us. -----Scientists Skeptical of Anthropogenic Global Warming

But when you examine the entire 100-year database, you reveal a completely different perspective that shows a dramatic decrease in the amount of acres torched by the fires. - John Whitefisk
"However, misleading charts only present data which appears to support a massive increase in wildfires. But when you examine the entire 100-year database, you reveal a completely different perspective that shows a dramatic decrease in the amount of acres torched by the fires. 
Another important distinction to note is that the number of wildfires has actually decreased as carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased. 
Remember, carbon dioxide is plant food that helps forests to thrive, and the soil to retain moisture….it actually works as a fire suppressant! 
  • Ignorant policies driven by heavily funded environmental groups are the real cause of increases in wildfires since 1983…not an increase in carbon dioxide. 

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