Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Wow!!-----The cloud thermostat is the dominant climate controlling mechanism - ClimateCite

IPCC’s (and NOAA’s) claims are a myth and therefore that trillions of dollars are being wasted on pointless mitigation measures

"Dr Clauser demonstrates, based on his recent groundbreaking research, that there are serious faults in the IPCC models of the Earth’s atmosphere and that its interpretation of observational data from a variety of observational modalities are flawed. 
  • He then introduces his original research on the cloud-thermostat mechanism, which he concludes is the overwhelmingly dominant climate controlling feedback mechanism that stabilizes the Earth’s climate and temperature and thereby actually prevents runaway global warming. 
  • He therefore asserts that this is great news demonstrating that there is no real climate crisis, and that Earth is not in peril; 
  • the clear corollary is that IPCC’s (and NOAA’s) claims are a myth and therefore that trillions of dollars are being wasted on pointless mitigation measures that should instead be put to constructive use.
Dr John F Clauser was awarded the 2022 Nobel Prize for Physics for his experiments with quantum entanglement..

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