Saturday, June 29, 2024

A Dangerous Time for America

They are not just lying; they have been using the powers at their disposal to destroy anybody who stands up and tells the truth. - DAVID STROM
"...A senile old man has been "running" the country, representing us to the rest of the world, making decisions on foreign policy, conducting war, failing to get peace, and all these people have been lying to us...
  • We obviously need to pound this fact into the heads of every American who routinely takes the word of these liars. 
  • We need to destroy every last vestige of credibility the mainstream media retains. 
They have been perpetrating a hoax for years.
But even THAT isn't the biggest issue.
  • Put yourself in Xi Jinping's head. 
  • Or the Ayatollahs'...
  • Or any adversary of the United States...

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