Tuesday, June 25, 2024

A Luxury Nobody Can Afford | The Pipeline

Corporate America finally wises up to the scam. - Joan Sammon 
  • From Boeing to Starbucks and BP to Budweiser, the landscape of Wall Street is increasingly strewn with failed executive boards that adopted ideological policies that have been bad for business...
  • Filled with acolytes from some of America’s most prestigious business schools, executive boards have been persuaded by promises of increased executive compensation -- lots more money -- to not question, not challenge and not fight the adoption of transient faddish standards into boardroom decisions, even in direct violation of their fiduciary obligations to shareholders.
  • Now...shareholders are finally demanding that the ideologically strident environmental, social and governance nonsense known as "ESG," economic foolishness underpinned by narratives of "climate catastrophe" and the make-work, economically suicidal foolishness of "diversity equity and inclusion" (DEI), be scrapped...

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