Saturday, June 01, 2024

America Is Not Yet Rome, But Democrats Better Worry That It Is Going That Way

...if you are wise enough to listen you will hear echoes and feel familiar rhythms. - Kurt Schlichter 
"American men typically think about ancient Rome several times a day, but apparently, Democrats do not. 
They ignore history, probably because it consists largely of the doings and transpirings of dead white males, but they should not. 
  • Rome’s decline from greatness from its mythical founding by Romulus in 753 BC – I don’t do “BCE” – to its final death rattle in 476 AD, when a kraut warlord named Odoacer deposed the last Roman emperor Romulus Augustulus, is not a precise template for the USA’s arc of history, but if you are wise enough to listen you will hear echoes and feel familiar rhythms...

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