Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Biden’s Lawfare Isn’t Working Out as Planned. It’s Working Out Better. By Dan Proft

Thus, Mr. 10% showed up post-conviction to hug his baby boy Hunter as if to tell him, keep it together. Keep your mouth shut.
"...The lawfare hasn’t worked out quite like the Biden Hillbillies conceived it. 
It worked out better. 
Throw enough lines in the water and you’re bound to get a bite.
  • But the convictions have slowed Trump’s mo’ and we’re only at the beginning of $500M worth of a media barrage designed to engineer the next moral panic which is, say it with me: we can’t have a convicted felon in the White House. 
  • And this will be directed to electoral cohorts socialized to give the system the benefit of the doubt and to subscribe to aphorisms like no one is above the law...

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