Sunday, June 02, 2024

Biden's vote-buying schemes make a mockery of democracy

Joe Biden is tasking every agency and department of the federal government to promote voter engagement. - Betsy McCaughey
"...Look at the billions of taxpayer dollars President Biden is pouring into “community organizations” in “disadvantaged communities” to tip the election scales...
Their staffs, paid using taxpayer money but not tied to government rules, could hit the streets at election time and build turnout...
  • West Virginia Sen. Shelley Moore Capito made headlines last week when she publicized the Environmental Protection Agency’s $50 million “environmental justice” grant awarded to a group called the Climate Justice Alliance...
  • Had members of Congress read the Inflation Reduction Act before passing it in 2022 — a novel idea — they would have known that the law provides $2.8 billion to the EPA for “environmental and climate justice block grants” (Section 60201).

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