Monday, June 24, 2024

Canada's capital wants in on race-based tree planting in the name of "tree equity" | Not the Bee

Canada's capital wants in on race-based tree planting in the name of "tree equity" | Not the BeeJessica Swietoniowski
As a hardworking taxpayer, you may have blocked this out of your memory for the sake of your blood pressure, but in 2021, the Democrats' spending bill included $2.5 BILLION for "tree equity."
Since then, the non-profit group American Forests has been expanding throughout the U.S., the U.K., and now Canada.
  • The City of Ottawa, Canada's capital, wants to choose which neighborhoods deserve more trees based on race and other identity factors
  • They want to make sure the urban forest meets their diversity, equity, and inclusion goals...

The report, under the section "INDIGENOUS GENDER AND EQUITY IMPLICATIONS" (whatever that means for tree-planting), proposes one analysis, known as a "Tree Equity Score," which considers factors such as race, age, language, employment, mental health, and income...

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