Thursday, June 06, 2024

How Liberals Pay Off Their Bimbos

How Liberals Pay Off Their Bimbos - Ann Coulter 
"...Just look at the precedents....
  • How did Clinton report the campaign cash he was spending on a lowlife to smear his sexual conquests? 
  • How did Edwards report the million-plus dollars in campaign donations he received from Fred and Bunny to cover up an ongoing affair?
Clinton laundered the campaign's payments to Palladino through a law firm and listed them on Federal Election Commission forms as "legal expenses." Unlike Trump's personal business records, these entries were being submitted to the FEC. Those entries had to be perfect!
So that's how it's done.
But wait a second! 
  • How come when Trump lists his payment to squelch a single "bimbo eruption" as a "legal expense," he's committed "profoundly serious" crimes?..

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