Friday, June 28, 2024

It is not too late for Joe Biden to go

The best that can be said of Joe Biden’s stumbling debate performance was that it took place in June.
  • For more than a year, private conversations in Washington have been dominated by the president’s ageing. But the public omerta on that topic broadly held up. That cognitive dissonance has now collapsed. 
The story is now about whether Biden can be persuaded to step down. 
The choice is his alone. 
Having crushed the Democratic nomination, Biden would be within his rights to ignore pleas to step aside. 
  • Potential alternative nominees, such as Gavin Newsom, California’s governor, and Gretchen Whitmer, Michigan’s governor, will be unlikely to speak out. The risk of being labelled a traitor and ruining their presidential chances would be too great. 

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