Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Pop Goes the West. Not With a Bang, But a Taylor Swift Tour

The evolution of Pop from being the music of freedom to being the official soundscape of the dumbest regimes JUPPLANDIA
  • Sometimes the most infuriating aspect of living through dystopia is not the lies, but the mediocrity.
  • Dystopia’s have no room for genuine creativity, genius, or talent...
  • During the Soviet era and the Cold War, western culture was producing a vibrancy and excitement that the heavily regulated, controlled and oppressed artists of the Communist world could not possibly match...Creativity doesn’t flourish when a man with a clipboard and a gun is examining every line for forbidden things...
Today, we are in a very different situation. 
The modern Communist is aligned entirely with the modern Bright Lights...
  • Don’t just build a prison. Don’t just control thoughts and speech. Paint rainbows everywhere. Make it a big decadent party. Let them sing the songs you put in their mouths, as if they had found them in their hearts.
And so we come to Taylor Swift...

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