Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Sinister silence over vaccine damage in pregnancy - The Conservative Woman

Sinister silence over vaccine damage in pregnancy - The Conservative Woman - Sally Beck
  • THE Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) monitored 2,000 pregnant women for adverse reactions post covid vaccination rollout, but have refused a Freedom of Information request to release the data. 
  • They admitted last April that they had it but cited the exemption that they planned to issue a report. They have still provided no publication date for the information recorded during the first six months of 2021...
  • Government began pushing experimental covid vaccines to pregnant women before any of the jab manufacturers had completed reproduction toxicology reports or started trials in pregnant women. Thousands of women could be infertile thanks to these injections, while thousands have reported that they suffered miscarriages and stillbirths because of them...

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