Sunday, June 23, 2024

The Nuclear Family is the Key to Closing Educational Gaps By Will Moravits

...low scores, poorly paid teachers, drugs, gang violence, lack of funding, threats from school shootings, claims of indoctrination - By Will Moravits
"...According to the Economic Policy Institute (EPI), if we compare the performance of American students as a whole to those of other countries, we do, in fact, lag in very serious ways...
The EPI reports, in part, that If U.S. adolescents had a social class distribution similar to that of frequently compared countries, the average reading scores in the United States would surpass those of similar post-industrial nations like France, Germany, and the United Kingdom. 
  • Public policy needs to reemphasize the importance of the nuclear family. 
  • Encourage marriage and discourage divorce. 
  • Encourage two-parent households, especially ones with a mother and father, where emotional, educational, and financial outcomes are shown to be the highest. 
  • Promote civic duty and societal unity in schools. 
  • Promote morality in public schools the way our country did for the first two hundred years of its existence.
Changing the culture of the American family is the only real solution to solving the problems that permeate the public school system.

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