Tuesday, June 18, 2024

The Strange Finances of Biden’s Terror Ambassador

How does a government employee come into $61 million in twelve bank accounts? Daniel Greenfield
  • When Israel took out a top Hamas terrorist, Hady Amr warned that “every Israeli” would pay. And that America would too.
  • That was less than a year after 9/11. By Oct 7, when Hamas launched its murderous ethnic cleansing assault, Amr had become Biden’s Special Envoy to the ‘Palestinians’...
  • “I was inspired by the Palestinian intifada,” Amr wrote, making no secret of his hatred for America and Israel. The Muslim immigrant found his way into the State Department under Obama. But then he mysteriously also appeared on the list of Biden’s top bundlers.
Freedom Center Investigates had broken the Amr story and exposed his extremist activities, but there was still one big question hanging overhead. 
Where did all that money come from?

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