Monday, June 24, 2024

Their scam is so weak, they're forced to lie to convince the gullible.-----No, Bloomberg, Neither Extreme Weather Nor Climate is Worsening in Swelling Cities

What is most telling is that the Bloomberg map shows clearly the at-risk urban cities that have the lowest per-capita income and lower access to inexpensive energy. It is no surprise that most of economically depressed Africa and much of Asia and India are shown to be the most “at risk.” - From ClimateREALISM - By Anthony Watts
An article in Bloomberg, titled “Climate Change Is Putting Swelling Cities at Risk,” with the subtitle, “A warming world is putting Bangladesh, Niger, Pakistan, and other countries more at risk for extreme weather,” makes some false claims that are refuted by real-world data and by scientific research which examines the impacts of growth and the densification of cities...

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