Saturday, June 01, 2024

Trump and "Falsely" - by Matt Taibbi - Racket News

In the wake of Donald Trump's verdict, a questionable trope goes over the line MATT TAIBBI
  • “BARRAGE OF FALSE CLAIMS”: After the trial, Trump misstatements and opinions alike were tabbed “false” or “lies”
In January, 2017, just as Donald Trump was taking office, the New York Times ran a story called “In a Swirl of ‘Untruths’ and ‘Falsehoods,’ Calling a Lie a Lie.” 
Like its counterpart The Washington Post, the Times made its coverage of Trump front-page news, and treated the decision to include “lie” in a headline — a major change for a paper once so wedded to decorum it referred to “Mr. Hitler” — as a rubicon-crossing moment for media. 
  • “Lie” and “falsehood” were supposed to be used “sparingly,” so the message wouldn’t lose “potency,” as Times editor Dean Baquet put it....

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