Sunday, June 02, 2024

We have crossed the Rubicon! Donald Trump is officially a felon running for President - America Out Loud News

We have crossed the Rubicon! Donald Trump is officially a felon running for President - America Out Loud News - Wallace Garneau
"...If we want to be picky, there are a few problems with this case…
  • No Federal prosecutor has even accused Donald Trump of violating any of the laws Judge Merchan told the jury to choose from, and it is hard to say Trump was covering up a crime unless a crime was committed.
  • By asking the jury to determine whether or not Donald Trump is guilty of Federal Law, Judge Merchan was forcing the jury to adjudicate Federal law in a state court. The state of New York has no authority to adjudicate Federal law...
The good news is that these are all violations of the US Constitution, allowing Trump to appeal these convictions directly to the Federal Court...

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