Saturday, June 15, 2024

When you have ENDLESS, FREE MONEY!-----Muskegon, MI: Apple Avenue Redesign

Muskegon, MI: Apple Avenue Redesign
In 2026, the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is planning to rebuild M-46 (Apple Ave) from West Webster Avenue to Home Street in Muskegon, Michigan. MDOT and the City of Muskegon’s Department of Public Works (DPW) are working together to engage stakeholders in planning that reconstruction...
The ideas from those meetings, the city's master plan, and complete street policy were all shared with MDOT. MDOT is now creating draft plans for community review (see the timeline on this page). Attend one of the upcoming meetings to review the plans and give input, or give feedback online here.
    Apple Ave Vision + Redesign Work Group Stakeholder List
  • Residents
  • Commuters
  • Business Owners
  • Walkers
  • Non-Motorized Traffic
  • School Aged Youth/Parents
  • Neighborhood Associations
  • Bus Route Users
  • Schools


Anonymous said...

Apple Ave is already very busy. Especially at 5pm. As a delivery driver, i use this street daily and redesigning it could cause issues. Why don't you just fix the roads in the heights for once? Going down Summit isn't my favorite part of the day. Maybe you can add sidewalks to Apple Ave without removing lanes as well? The road diet on Seaway was ridiculous and absolutely butchered my ability to deliver things on time. People don't want cold food. Apple Ave is an important part of my day and I typically stake out over there because the restaurants are really busy. It's a hotspot for not only delivery drivers, but for people who want to go out to eat. Yes, we get a lot of pedestrian traffic. However, a lot of those people are out there because they're homeless and begging for money or they're not dumb enough to try and get hit by a car.

Anonymous said...

Narrowing Apple Ave is a bad idea in my opinion. Having bicycles riding down Apple Ave after narrowing the road is dangerous. Widen the sidewalks to make a bike/ pedestrian trail. Most residents don’t take care of their terraces so this will help them out with beautification program. As for the speeds on Apple Ave.They are artificially low. Like most in Muskegon are. Norton Shores recognized this as adjusted many of theirs. Excessive speed needs to be handled by the police. Parking on Apple Ave? Why would you even need to park on Apple Ave? Especially that stretch of road. Muskegon seems to be growing and narrowing all of the roads doesn’t make sense. Many roads in Muskegon need repair wasting money on pet projects like this one just doesn’t add up.