Saturday, July 20, 2024

"...also downplayed the incident..."-----Chinese Warships 'Pop-Up' Near U.S. After Russian Nuke Sub; Freedom Of Navigation Or Message To NATO?

The Arctic and northern Pacific have emerged as pivotal areas in the ongoing power struggle among global giants—China, Russia, and the United States. - Shubhangi Palve
  • Earlier this month, the United States Coast Guard reported an encounter involving several Chinese military ships and US Coast Guard vessels in the Bering Sea near Alaska...
  • Concurrently, a US Coast Guard Air Station Kodiak aircrew identified a fourth Chinese vessel about 84 miles (135 km) north of Amukta Pass.
  • In a statement, the United States Coast Guard downplayed the incident and said that all four Chinese ships were transiting international waters “in accordance with international rules and norms” but were within the US exclusive economic zone (EEZ), which extends 200 nautical miles (370 km) from the US coast.
  • The US had also downplayed the incident when the Russian nuclear submarine Kazan and other warships had docked a mere 90 miles off Florida.

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