Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Assassination attempt not a 'coincidence,' Donald Trump Jr. says | Blaze Media

Assassination attempt not a 'coincidence,' Donald Trump Jr. says | Blaze Media

“It’s really hard to separate incompetence from willful negligence or even simple negligence or malice," Waller said on the July 19 episode of "Blaze News Tonight." "You can’t rule out malice. You can’t rule out somebody wanted this to happen.”

A top-tier U.S. military special operations expert told Blaze News that after examining all of the evidence to date, the hallmarks are there to suggest that Crooks was groomed and trained for an assassination attempt.

"It’s not in the realm of real possibility for the government to be this incompetent," the special operator said on condition of anonymity. "There is no chance Crooks was not pointed to which building he needed to be on.

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