Thursday, July 25, 2024

Biden and his stooge-media lied!-----Think job numbers are improving? Think again - Washington Times

Both May and April figures were revised down nearly 100,000 - Washington Times - E.J. Antoni and Peter St. Onge 
  • What looked like 206,000 jobs added to the economy were actually less than half that, with terrible internal dynamics. 
  • All while the labor market ominously flashed a recession warning sign with a perfect 50-year track record.
  • More than half the payrolls that businesses allegedly added in June were simply replacing jobs we thought we already had but didn’t: Both May and April job numbers were revised down by nearly 100,000, making June’s growth anemic.
  • Worse, fully one-third of the jobs added in June were in government — within spitting distance to Soviet levels of employment composition. 
Considering it takes many private sector jobs to support a government worker — who produces nothing — a 2-to-1 ratio is nowhere near enough...

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