Monday, July 29, 2024

First, they disappeared Biden; now they are disappearing his record | Blaze Media

First, they disappeared Biden; now they are disappearing his record | Blaze Media

Kamala Harris and the Democrats need their media friends to magically make everyone forget the record, but the reality is that she owns it.
The magicians in the Democratic Party sure know a lot of tricks. First, they were able to create the illusion that Joe Biden hasn’t been in cognitive decline for years, even “fooling” the corporate press (if you believe their claims). Then — abracadabra! — they were able to magically replace Biden with Vice President Kamala Harris as the presumptive Democratic presidential candidate without her receiving a single presidential primary vote.

As a big part of Biden’s administration, Harris owns his record. But don’t worry! With the help of their friends in the corporate left-wing media, the Democratic magicians are trying to make that disappear, too.

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