Friday, July 05, 2024

Google's AI Chatbot Spews Anti-American Bilge on Nation's Birthday, Defends Communist Manifesto By Mike Miller

If you (generic "you") thought texts created by artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots were free from the biases associated with biased human writers, you were terribly wrong.
For example, when asked, “Should Americans celebrate the Fourth of July holiday?” Gemini replied that the question was “complex with no easy answer.”
Here's more (emphasis, mine):

...Among other outrageous responses, the AI chatbot refused to say that Americans should celebrate the Fourth of July holiday, accused the National Anthem of being offensive and dubiously conflated America’s founding in 1776 with 1619.

Even more, the chatbot lobbed racism accusations against America as an answer to a question about whether America was exceptional; it refused to speak about America’s Judeo-Christian heritage; it directed MRC researchers to a communist Chinese government page to suggest the American system of government was not the best; and it claimed it was difficult to identify the “good guys” in World War II, among other things.

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