Friday, July 05, 2024

It is now a ubiquitous cultural ritual to blame each and every weather event on climate change.

The flood somewhere that I saw on social media? Climate change. - Scientists Skeptical of Anthropogenic Global Warming - John Whitefisk
  • Those hot days? Climate change. 
  • That hurricane? Climate change. 
  • The flood somewhere that I saw on social media? Climate change.
With today’s post, the first in a series, I go beyond the cartoonish media caricatures of climate change, which I expect are here to stay, and explore the actual science of extreme events — how they may or may not be changing, and how we think we know what we know, and what we simply cannot know...

CLIMATECHANGEDISPATCH.COM - Climate Expert: Neither Climate Nor Climate Change Causes, Fuels, or Influences Weather

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