Friday, July 26, 2024

"...most of the evidential support for hysterical climate doom mongering comes from IPCC reports which are based on computer modelling predictions."

A belief based almost entirely on predictive modelling and alleged consensus is not a belief based on proven physics.  - Daniel Jupp
Computer modelling is pretty good for short term events with set parameters, few variables, and historic examples to help define your variables. 
That’s why it’s quite good for say predicting how a crowd responds in the event of a fire in a tube station over a period of an hour or two. 
  • Very basic things can be understood this way.
  • Perhaps you are both unaware that most of the evidential support for hysterical climate doom mongering comes from IPCC reports which are based on computer modelling predictions. 
Its set parameters are vast (a whole planet subject to cosmological forces). 
It’s applicable and relevant variables are equally vast (much scientific criticism of the man made climate warming theory notes variables that aren’t included in current modelling data, or ones that remain poorly understood even by scientific experts)...

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