Tuesday, July 02, 2024

PBS 'Washington Week' Memory-Holes 2023 Praise of Biden’s Mental Acuity Clay Waters

The latest Friday edition of Washington Week with The Atlantic, airing on taxpayer-funded PBS...one exchange in particular, between host and Atlantic editor-in-chief Jeffrey Goldberg and Atlantic writer Mark Leibovich, was striking:

...That sounds accurate. It also sounds completely different from this notorious exchange from the same pair, back on September 1, 2023:
Mark Leibovich: Can I just actually just point out, though, that, I mean, it’s not just making an issue of Biden’s age, it’s lying, it’s saying he’s senile, saying he’s demented, saying he’s out of it. I mean, I think it’s important to sort of state for a fact that a lot of these are just --
Jeffrey Goldberg: Right. Mentally, he’s quite acute.
Leibovich: It seems like it...

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