Monday, July 22, 2024

Ron Johnson Lays Out Astonishing Info and Big Questions in New Report on Assassination Attempt By Nick Arama

There's been some incredibly disturbing information that has come out so far...
  • We reported on Sunday about the disturbing news that the Secret Service admitted they hadn't provided resources when asked for the Trump detail, when they had previously denied that. 
  • Also, according to information from Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) reported by Real Clear Politics' Susan Crabtree, they delegated 12 post-standers for Jill Biden's event in Pittsburgh versus three for Trump's event with many more people in Butler. 
That, despite a known threat from the Iranians against Trump...
But it gets even worse, as Johnson explains. 
  • Those pictures were sent to an ATF agent who has gone dark. 
  • Johnson then raises the stunning possibility of a second shooter. 
  • He also goes into more detail about how the Secret Service didn't even attend the 9:00 a.m. security meeting on July 13 with local law enforcement, and they weren't even on the same security channel. Yikes...

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