• ...According to what little data footprint is available and shared by media, Thomas Matthew Crooks, age 20, DOB: 09-20-2003, had no social media presence.  Let that sink in for a moment.  A 20-year-old in 2024 with no social media presence.
  • No TikTok, WhatsAp, Telegram, SnapChat, Insta, Twit, FB, gaming profile or Apple ID to correspond with his almost guaranteed iPhone, XBox or Playstation?  Sorry, not even close to plausible.
  • Second, it’s Deja-vu all over again with the picture (seen above left) that is widely being used by media in stories about Matthew Crooks.  The above image is his freshman high school picture. [SEE HERE
  • There are no recent or current pictures of 20-year-old Crooks taken by friends, family, or in this era, selfies?   And the picture on the left is the best image the media can come up with?