Tuesday, July 30, 2024

The "brown-shirts" of the democrat party!-----'Palestine': Just The Latest Pretext for Bringing Down Western Civilization :: Gatestone Institute

The university encampments, it turns out, were planned as early as November 2023, belying any claims that the student protests occurred organically and spontaneously - Robert Williams
  • The mainstream media, the authors say, is complicit because it fails to vet the activists and financiers behind the pro-Hamas ecosystem, preferring instead to portray the protests as if they are spontaneous occurrences.
  • "The protesters are being generously funded and expertly coached by the same anti-U.S., anti-capitalist, anti-West puppet-masters who sprang Black Lives Matter on us a decade ago... 
  • At the May 2024 "People's Conference for Palestine" in Detroit, featuring US Rep. Rashida Tlaib, among many others, the People's Forum's executive director Manolo De Los Santos, to great applause, called for the complete destruction of the United States.
  • The People's Forum, it seems, is closely affiliated with the Chinese Communist Party...

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