Saturday, July 20, 2024

The eco-hysterics are lying to us!-----Storyline Attribution: “Just so…” stories about Weather Events - Kip Hansen

In the last decade or so, there has been an increasing effort to tie every strong or unusual weather event, no matter how local, to Global Climate Change.
  • This need arose from the inability of the IPCC and its thousands of contributors to actually find, “detect” is the word they use, the negative effects of Climate Change in the real world, despite over 40 years of endless dire predictions.
You may have seen this before, but I offer it as evidence of the above:

A few notes about AR6 WG1 Chapter 12 Table 12.12: 

1.  ONLY the middle column represents real information “Already Emerged In Historical Period”.  This means that the IPCC has failed to even to detect increases/decreases in all the other Climate Impact Drivers (see definition at end of essay) which have white boxes in that column...

2.  The darker colors in the Already Emerged  column indicate that the climate-impact driver has been detected with high confidence – but any numeral in the box is a caveat as to in what regions.  For instance, “Cold Spell” has been detected only in “Australia, Africa and most of Northern South America”.  Decreases in “Lake, river and sea ice” has been detected only for Arctic sea ice...

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