Thursday, July 25, 2024

The eco-scammers fudged the data!-----This graph shows the U.S. Lower 48 average mean temperature from 1895 to 2023.

Take a look at this plot. Study it hard.  - Chris Martz Weather
The blue curve shows the actual raw (measured) values.
The red curve shows the reported or adjusted values.
The actual thermometer data indicate that there has been little warming in the CONUS since 1895.
  • Top 10 warmest years by raw data:
1. 2012
2. 1921
3. 1931
4. 1934
5. 1998
6. 2016
7. 1953
8. 1938
9. 1939
10. 2015
Pretty much all of the climate warming results from significant adjustments, to the data, most of which are due to the supposed “Time of Observation Bias” (TOBS)...

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