Tuesday, July 02, 2024

The Lies We Have Lived Through - Victor Davis Hanson

What followed was the most comprehensive deceit in presidential history... - Victor Davis Hanson 
"...His handlers long ago had determined that masking his feebleness at the expense of the security and safety of the nation was a small price to pay to retain power.
What followed was the most comprehensive deceit in presidential history...
We live in an era of lies. 
  • Sometimes they are purely political, like the Charlottesville “both sides” yarn. 
  • And sometimes they change history, like the fabrications that bats and pangolins, not the communist Chinese Wuhan virology lab, birthed the COVID-19 virus, 
  • or the Anthony Fauci contortion that his offices did not fund and help out, stealthily and in circumvention of U.S. law, deadly gain-of-function virology research in communist China.
  • Yet another lie was institutionalized: the January 6 riot was a full-fledged, carefully planned armed insurrection to overthrow the government...
These lies changed the course of the nation. 
  • They are birthed by the incestuous marriage of a Washington-New York political culture and a corrupt media.
  • The purveyors are Juvenal’s “who will police the police.” 
  • They are the administrative overseers in the FBI, CIA, DOJ, and the various cabinets and agencies. They feel they are exempt from any consequences for the damage they do, given that in their day jobs they operate as judges, jury and executioners.
Finally, while all governments lie, the left is far more adroit at it because, in their any-means-necessary/the-ends-justify-the-means credo, they spread supposedly good “lies” that 
  • stop the Hitlerian Trump, 
  • neuter the creepy deplorables/irredeemables/chumps/clingers or 
  • save the good people from the MAGA anti-vaxers and assorted yahoos.
Will the lies continue?
Indeed, they will thrive 
  • until the people slash the administrative state of its unaccountable and unelected “experts”; 
  • until they indict those in the future like Andrew McCabe, James Clapper, John Brennan and their brethren who lie under oath or to federal investigators; 
  • until they ostracize and utterly discredit those like Mayorkas, Fauci, and the Bidens whose deceptions took hostage an entire nation; and 
  • until they tune out a bankrupt media, the power cord of the entire Pravda enterprise.

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