Wednesday, July 17, 2024

This Is What Happens When Media Pretends Everyone They Don’t Like Is Hitler By Jeff Charles

When Trump first came on the scene announcing his intention to run for president, Democratic politicians and members of the activist media did their level best to portray him as the second coming of Adolf Hitler and his supporters as modern-day Nazis.
  • To those who have been following American politics closely over the past decade, the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump is not a shock
  • Even the most cursory of glances at the political division in this country could tell you that this was a matter of when, not if...
  • The effort to paint the right as a pernicious threat to “democracy” has not abated since 2016. Indeed, it has intensified.

Salon did something similar in a piece taking issue with Trump questioning the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.

It is a question I often hear people ask during conversations about the rise of Adolf Hitler: If I had been alive in Germany when the Nazis took power, would I have had the courage to side against them?...

Hitler rose to power because he told a Big Lie...

The same dynamic is true regarding Donald Trump's claim that Joe Biden stole the election from him. It is a Big Lie being embraced to advance a racist, anti-democratic agenda. Anyone who doesn't stand up to that Big Lie today would have likely been complicit in Hitler's Big Lie last century. Anyone who actually believes Trump's Big Lie ... do I need to finish that sentence?

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