Sunday, July 07, 2024

Ukraine and the Winter War, 1939-1940 - Victor Davis Hanson

Ukraine and the Winter War, 1939-1940
In early World War II, on Nov. 30, 1939, a Soviet-Russian army invaded Finland in a surprise massive attack. 
The Finns were eventually outnumbered nearly 3 to 1...
Is any lesson from the Winter War applicable to the current Ukrainian conflict?
  • One, drawn-out heroic resistance to the Russian juggernaut wins a nation global praise, but not necessarily enough weapons or manpower to overcome the huge disparity of forces...
  • Two, the Russian Army has a long history of starting poorly in its wars. But after months of mismanagement, incompetence, and massive losses, its brutal command eventually readjusts. It then marshals the vast manpower and territorial power of Russia to slowly grind down a smaller enemy...
  • Three, smaller border nations facing Russian aggression cannot count on allied pledges of massive aid...

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