Monday, July 29, 2024

Waging War on Modern Agriculture and Global Nutrition

Demands for organic or subsistence farming worldwide would devastate nature and nutrition - Watts Up With That? - Paul Driessen
  • The World Economic Forum says the world faces a new crisis, “One-third of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions come from food production.” 
  • With the world’s population expected to reach 10 billion people by 2050, it is therefore “urgent” that we launch a “radical” and “comprehensive” transformation of the global food system – from “reinventing” farming to “reimagining” how food is produced, processed, distributed, consumed and disposed of.
  • Reinforcing this message, Stop Ecocide Now founder Jojo Mehta expanded on Greta Thunberg’s incendiary 2020 rant that “our house is on fire and you’re fueling the flames.” Farming is a “serious crime,” equal to “genocide,Ms. Mehta told elites at the 2024 WEF meeting in Davos...

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