Monday, July 01, 2024

When Pride goes too far - The Spectator World

If sexual orientation is morally neutral and should not be a source of shame, then why should it be a source of pride? - Douglas Murray
  • It is strange, this adoption of “pride” as the term to use about sexual identity. 
  • Long-term readers will know I have always taken the view that if there is something that you should not feel shame in, there is no reason why anyone should take “pride” in it either. 
  • If sexual orientation is morally neutral and should not be a source of shame, then why should it be a source of pride? 
  • Besides which, pride used to be regarded as a sin. Even if people don’t have any truck with the religious origins of this idea, they might understand why it is listed among the seven deadly sins — and why almost every phrase that involves the word “pride” deploys it as a source of moral warning rather than of moral improvement...

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