Monday, July 29, 2024

Whitmer’s Michigan: Great Lakes State ranked among ‘worst school systems in 2024’ Great Lakes State ranked 36th.

The WalletHub findings are not surprising, as Michigan’s educational rankings have been on a steady decline since Gov. Gretchen Whitmer took office in 2019
...“In addition, schools need to focus not just on test scores but also on making sure that students feel safe, comfortable and cared for.”...
  • Michigan’s overall ranking fell well behind DC’s 28th place finish, despite the city’s nation-leading dropout rate, second-lowest math test scores, and third lowest reading test scores.
  • As it stands now, only about 41.6% of third-graders are proficient in reading, a figure that’s at 16% for black third-graders, or more than 10% behind students still learning English at 26.4%, according to 2022 data.
  • A report in December from the governor’s own Growing Michigan Together Council found the state is “lagging behind” others with less than 33% of fourth- and eighth-grade students testing proficient in reading or math...

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