Saturday, August 31, 2024

Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund fires back in response to Pelosi's attempts to deflect blame for Jan. 6: 'I am stunned' | Blaze Media

Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund fires back in response to Pelosi's attempts to deflect blame for Jan. 6: 'I am stunned' | Blaze Media

“Itake the full responsibility.”

Those words by former U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) — the polar opposite of what she has publicly proclaimed for nearly 44 months — were uttered on Jan. 6 as she and Democratic colleagues watched the unfolding protests and violence at the U.S. Capitol on television, new video shows.

While claiming she takes responsibility in one video clip, she lashed out at former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund in another, putting the blame for Jan. 6 on his head.

The way we were-----The Tide Show: FS At Last, At Last (4/8/52)

A Donald Trump Short Film (feat. Creed) #MAGA2024

Berkeley Law School Dean Tells MSNBC It’s Time To Ditch US Constitution

Law professor Erwin Chemerinsky claims U.S. Constitution "undermines democracy" -
  • Alex Jones breaks down the dean of the University of California at Berkeley’s law school calling for the scrapping of the Constitution, claiming that failing to make changes to it would cause the U.S. to “drift toward authoritarianism.”

How to destroy a nation in five easy steps - The Conservative Woman

How to destroy a nation in five easy steps - The Conservative Woman - Dr Campbell Campbell-Jack
  • Certain steps can be taken to undermine and ultimately to destroy the culture and the cohesive identity of a people.
  • The United Kingdom today functions as a laboratory where we can witness them being played out in real time. 
Here are some of them.

First, recognise that Britain is a Christian nation, and proceed to undermine that concept...
Second, ..Emphasise the wrongs that have been done by the British as though the UK is unique in having blots in its history.
Third, open the borders and actively encourage mass legal immigration. At the same time break election promises to stop illegal migration...
Fourth, ...Institute a de facto two-tier policing system.
Fifth, make acceptance of the new ideology an unstated but mandatory requirement for entry into the power-wielding caste...

Texas Continues Border Wall Projects Abandoned by Biden-Harris Admin

Texas Continues Border Wall Projects Abandoned by Biden-Harris Admin

Not only did the Biden-Harris administration stop the construction of the Trump-era border wall projects, they spent approximately $6 million per day to store the materials and leave construction sites abandoned, Breitbart Texas’s Randy Clark reported.

Lawsuit Says Hospital Failed to Notify Relatives of Woman’s Death for Ov...

The problem I have with Mark Zuckerberg claiming the Biden-Harris administration (or the FBI) pressuring him into censorship is this...

Facebook was censoring while Donald Trump was president. - John L Hoh Jr
  • Zuckerberg wanted a certain outcome
  • Had it been a Republican administration pressuring him, you can bet he would have spoken out and likely gone to court to “protect” his First Amendment rights.
  • I’m guessing he sees the writing on the wall that Kamala can’t win and wants to head off any ramifications for his actions.

Lunch video-----Trans Kids: The Medical Scandal | 5 Minute Videos



Video shows armed gang at Colorado apartment building taken over by migrants | Fox News

Video shows armed gang at Colorado apartment building taken over by migrants | Fox News

Potential gang activity was caught on surveillance camera in a Colorado apartment building after what one former resident calls "no accountability" kept law enforcement from assisting. The video shows many men armed with handguns, and one with a scoped rifle, bursting through the door of the apartment complex for unknown reasons. The group appears to be Tren de Aragua, or TdA, a transnational gang based out of Venezuela. The gang, with reportedly 5,000 members, has a motto of "real until death," or"real hasta la muerte."

Yes, it's the Bee... or is it??!!


Arlington incident shows media falling into same old Trump derangement syndrome

The coverage of the Arlington National Cemetery “controversy” shows the press using the same overwrought language, anonymous sources and liberal critics that they constantly return to, despite being proven wrong time and again. - By Post Editorial Board
You’d think after a decade of covering Donald Trump’s political career, the media would have learned some lessons.
You’d be wrong...
Take the Washington Post’s account, “How a Trump visit sparked turmoil at America’s most sacred cemetery.”
At issue: whether Trump’s team was allowed to take pictures in a certain part of the cemetery, and whether an employee was in the wrong to try to stop them.
  • In paragraph 20 — 20! — the father of a soldier who died in the Afghanistan bombing sparked by the Harris-Biden administration’s disastrous withdrawal says he welcomed Trump to the cemetery.
  • “We invited him. He didn’t come to us,” said Darin Hoover, father of Staff Sgt. Darin “Taylor” Hoover. “He has shown nothing but sincerity to all of us and for what happened to our children, and for anybody else to try to take that away from the ceremony — both at the wreath-laying and at the graveside — is unconscionable.”
Any editor reading that would think: That’s it, case closed...

Worse than the "pandemic" years!!


"A new Michigan law allows for a no call, no-show for employees.

Dave Bondy on X: " Those employees, under state law could not be disciplined. - Dave Bondy @DaveBondyTV
  • The Michigan law set to take effect in February next year, which mandates paid sick leave for all employees, regardless of their employment status. 
The owner, who operates a fast-casual chicken restaurant with her husband, shared her thoughts during a recent interview, highlighting the potential impact of the law on small businesses across the state. 
  • The law, known as the Earned Sick Time Act, will require employers to provide up to 72 hours of paid sick leave annually to all employees, including part-time, seasonal, and temporary workers...

#1 This day 1985-----Huey Lewis & The News - The Power Of Love (Official Music Video)

"This new ad from the Trump campaign is devastating.

Matt Margolis on X: "This new ad from the Trump campaign is devastating.

"Capable woman"?!!


David Marcus: What Obama's biggest lie can teach us about the suddenly centrist Kamala Harris | Fox News

David Marcus: What Obama's biggest lie can teach us about the suddenly centrist Kamala Harris | Fox News

In 2008, when Barack Obama was running for president, he flat out lied about opposing gay marriage based on his deep Christian beliefs. We know this because in a book published in 2015, former senior adviser to the president David Axelrod described Obama, after such a speech, complaining to him, "I’m just not very good at bulls---ing."

It turns out he actually was pretty good at it. Today, the American people have to ask themselves how good Vice President Kamala Harris is at B.S. as she seeks to transform herself from a San Francisco progressive into a blue-dog centrist Democrat. 

Germany Vows 'Knife Control' After ISIS Refugee Slashes Throats at Diversity Festival :: Gatestone Institute

After a Syrian Muslim refugee slashed the throats of a few middle-aged people at the Festival of Diversity, the German government has announced that it will ban knives over three inches long. - Daniel Greenfield
  • Right now, people in Germany can carry knives up to 4.7 inches long. The law will be modified so that they can only carry knives up to 2.4 inches long. 
  • No one appears to have considered the possibility that Muslim terrorists on the way to killing as many infidels as possible might violate the law and carry a concealed knife of 4 inches or longer. Such thoughts are unthinkable.
  • There were 13,844 "knife crime" incidents in Germany in 2023, which the authorities are blaming on the existence of knives and not the perpetrators, who are reportedly mostly young Muslim men...

AM Fruitcake


History for August 31

History for August 31 -
Daniel Schorr 1916
  • 1881 - The first tennis championships in the U.S. were played.
  • 1887 - The kinetoscope was patented by Thomas Edison. The device was used to produce moving pictures.
  • 1920 - The first news program to be broadcast on radio was aired. The station was 8MK in Detroit, MI.
  • 1920 - John Lloyd Wright was issued a patent for "Toy-Cabin Construction," which are known as Lincoln Logs. (U.S. patent 1,351,086)
  • 1964 - California officially became the most populated state in America.
  • 1994 - Russia officially ended its military presence in the former East Germany and the Baltics after a half-century.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Texas Announces 1 Million Names Have Been Purged from Voter Rolls Thanks to 'The Strongest Election Laws in the Nation'

Texas Announces 1 Million Names Have Been Purged from Voter Rolls Thanks to 'The Strongest Election Laws in the Nation'

Call it the Texas Cleanup.

More than 1 million “voters” have been purged from the rolls in Texas since a tough new election integrity law went into effect in 2022, Texas GOP Gov. Greg Abbott announced this week.

And some who might have voted illegally have been referred for prosecution.

The way we were-----Sleep: A History of the Bed

"Culture War" Trailer

Arlington Gives Gold Star Families the Run Around Over Trump Speaking Until Mike Johnson Steps In - Becky Noble

One man showed up at the request of the families, his name was Donald Trump.
It seems as though Trump derangement syndrome (TDS) knows no bounds. 
  • From things that can be classified as silly, like former First Lady Melania Trump never appearing on the cover of magazines like Vogue, to the extremely serious, like an assassination attempt. 
  • Closer to the serious end of the scale lands the folks at Arlington National Cemetery and their recent treatment of the 13 Gold Star families of service members killed in the Afghanistan withdrawal at Abbey Gate and the ceremony marking the third anniversary of that incident, with former President Donald Trump attending that ceremony.
  • Per a Daily Caller exclusive report, Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-LA) ultimately ended up intervening so that Trump, who had been invited to attend the ceremony and laid a wreath for the service members, could get into Arlington National Cemetery.

Sensing Online: Should compassion be a basis for public policy?

I recall a story in the Washington Post from the early 1990s, when I lived in northern Virginia, written by a Catholic nun.
It told of a ministry in downtown DC that she was working, offering free lunches to the poor.
When she and her fellow charity workers had started this ministry they had decided not to require means tests of the people who came to eat. 
Means tests - requiring the recipients offer evidence they could not afford to pay for the meals - would be degrading, they concluded...
Yet after several weeks the sister had changed her mind. 
The soup kitchen initially attracted diners who were clearly homeless, near-indigent or working poor. 
But as time went on, she observed the diners were better and better dressed. 
They were cleaner, obviously more healthy. 
At first, a large number of diners had walked to the kitchen, but now most drove, and as more time passed, older cars parked outside gave way to newer cars, then expensive cars. 
The kind of person who first began eating there became rarer and rarer.
The nun concluded that they should have required means testing to protect the poor....

REVEALED: The disturbing truth Kamala Harris does not want you knowing about her reign as border czar * WorldNetDaily * by Andrew Powell

REVEALED: The disturbing truth Kamala Harris does not want you knowing about her reign as border czar * WorldNetDaily * by Andrew Powell

Vice President Kamala Harris has played a vital role in what is unquestionably the worst border crisis in American history. Over the past four years of the Biden-Harris administration, millions of "undocumented" illegal aliens have poured over the southern border, and this disaster promises to grow much larger if Harris is able to pull out a win over former President Donald Trump in November's election.

What Mark Zuckerberg’s Letter REALLY Means!

Harris’s Tax on Unrealized Gains is Only the Tip of a $5 Trillion Tax Iceberg By Adam N. Michel

Vice President Kamala Harris’s campaign recently confirmed that she supports all the nearly $5 trillion in tax increases included in President Biden’s 2025 budget proposal.
  • Among the long list of tax hikes is a novel proposal to tax the unrealized gains of wealthy Americans...
  • but the fervor over this one bad idea has distracted from other more wide-reaching and even more economically damaging proposals.
  • For example, Harris’s 28 percent federal corporate tax rate and 44.6 percent top capital gains and dividend tax rate would give the United States the highest total tax rate on corporate income in the developed world when combined with state taxes. 
As I recently explained, workers ultimately bear most of the cost of the corporate income tax through lower wages and fewer job opportunities...

Lunch video-----A Timeline of Border Czar Kamala Harris | Secure America Now


Patriots show up to protest after Oklahoma school district forbids teen from flying American flag on truck | Blaze Media

Patriots show up to protest after Oklahoma school district forbids teen from flying American flag on truck | Blaze Media

"We have seen parents across the state who are so tired of people, young people, being told to hate their country or not be proud of their country," Walters told 9 News. Walters also stated in an X video that he is "working on guidelines" for school districts in his state to "ensure no student is ever targeted for having an American flag." "We want our young people to be proud of our country. Sounds like a lot of patriotic students at the school, and we want to encourage them to show love for the country."

Another brilliant man's words the media has buried!


As the democrats push to make self-defense illegal!-----Exclusive | Colorado Gov. Jared Polis dismisses migrant gang takeover of Aurora apartments as 'imagination'

Colorado Gov. Jared Polis dismisses migrant gang takeover of apartments as ‘imagination’ — despite video, mayor confirming truth - Jennie Taer
  • On Wednesday night, Fox Denver aired surveillance video that showed an armed gang of men — later confirmed by cops as suspected members of Tren de Aragua — strolling through an apartment complex in Aurora that residents said has been overrun by the gang.
  • Three of the men could be seen carrying handguns while another held a rifle as they entered the troubled apartment complex, breaking into a unit shortly before a shootout took place at the complex that left one person severely injured...

Why has the media buried this??!!


Imagine her meeting Putin!-----Kamala Harris' Was Spared This Question During Her Trainwreck Interview on CNN

Kamala Harris' Was Spared This Question During Her Trainwreck Interview on CNN - Matt Vespa
  • The optics were also terrible, with Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz looking like he was either Kamala Harris’ attorney or a crutch. 
  • You can’t leave her alone—that’s what this looked like. 
  • Portions of the transcript showed host Dana Bash answering the questions for Harris ...

#1 This day 1986-----Steve Winwood - Higher Love (Official Music Video)

The Unintended Consequences of Taxing Unrealized Gains

In case you missed it, a $5 trillion tax hike looms over American households and businesses in President Joe Biden’s latest budget proposal, which would include a 25% annual minimum tax on unrealized capital gains for individuals with incomes and assets exceeding $100 million. - Donald Sensing
Spells it out precisely. 
I have long noticed that Democrats do "static analysis," meaning that they think, in this example, that they can start taking 25 percent of these gains and except for that, everything continues on as before with no change.
But as we used to say in my military career while planning operations, "The enemy gets a vote," meaning that they will react to, not just accept, what we do on the battlefield.
So the Dems think the wealthy will simply hand over 25 percent of unrealized gains and do nothing else (forever, I guess). But they won't. They will react, not merely accept. The Unintended Consequences of Taxing Unrealized Gains

"220 million Americans"...dead??


Another LIE: Harris-Walz campaign's deception EXPOSED | Blaze Media

Another LIE: Harris-Walz campaign's deception EXPOSED | Blaze Media

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz has already come under fire for lying about “going to war,” which he did not. Now, he’s once again been caught lying — and his integrity is looking thin to nonexistent.

When he launched his campaign for U.S. Congress in 2006, Walz had boasted in his public biography that he was named the Outstanding Young Nebraskan by the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce.

Elon Musk on X: "When is enough enough?" / X

BREAKING: Illegal aliens tried to hijack 2 buses full of kids in San Diego

When is enough enough?
End Wokeness
BREAKING: Illegal aliens tried to hijack 2 buses full of kids in San Diego Border Czar Harris owns this mess