Sunday, August 25, 2024

Africans Fight Back Against Green Energy Poverty Policy of the West | Africa and the World

The African Energy Chamber (AEC) is preparing to take Western financiers to court over what the energy advocacy group’s chairman, NJ Ayuk, has described as their discrimination against financing African oil and gas investments.
  • Chairperson of the African Energy Chamber (AEC), NJ Ayuk denounced the discriminatory withholding of investment in fossil fuels by Western financial institutions as very unjust, hypocritical, and colonial.
  • Natural gas is treated as a fossil fuel in Africa, but it’s seen as green energy in Europe…It’s clear discrimination, it’s outrageous and it should not be happening. You can’t have one set of standards for the European and American energy industries and another for the African energy industry...

  • Energy Poverty Kills

Without doubt, the single biggest cause of death in Africa, is the pathetic paucity of available energy. This is not hyperbole! It is absolutely true...

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