Saturday, August 31, 2024

Arlington incident shows media falling into same old Trump derangement syndrome

The coverage of the Arlington National Cemetery “controversy” shows the press using the same overwrought language, anonymous sources and liberal critics that they constantly return to, despite being proven wrong time and again. - By Post Editorial Board
You’d think after a decade of covering Donald Trump’s political career, the media would have learned some lessons.
You’d be wrong...
Take the Washington Post’s account, “How a Trump visit sparked turmoil at America’s most sacred cemetery.”
At issue: whether Trump’s team was allowed to take pictures in a certain part of the cemetery, and whether an employee was in the wrong to try to stop them.
  • In paragraph 20 — 20! — the father of a soldier who died in the Afghanistan bombing sparked by the Harris-Biden administration’s disastrous withdrawal says he welcomed Trump to the cemetery.
  • “We invited him. He didn’t come to us,” said Darin Hoover, father of Staff Sgt. Darin “Taylor” Hoover. “He has shown nothing but sincerity to all of us and for what happened to our children, and for anybody else to try to take that away from the ceremony — both at the wreath-laying and at the graveside — is unconscionable.”
Any editor reading that would think: That’s it, case closed...

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